Friday, June 4, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Take two

Okay, so most of you know I'm computer illiterate so as I typed my heart out about the past 3 weeks or so,I realized I had posted it in my comment section which I now can not find so here goes again!
It all started about January we scheduled vacation for May about the time Wanda would have the baby and Chelsea would be out of school.Now,not thinking about Jared who would graduate at the same time(sorry Jared)and would walk with his class then,due to graduating at semester.Whew! did you get that?We had to cut 2 days off of vacation!
So it all started when in the middle of May I started getting sick and running a 99-100* temp all of the time went to the doctors and he didn't locate the problem,next the emergency room where cat scans revealed that diverticular disease was the culprit..turned my life upside down,it is a slow recovery process with lots of anti-biotics and fiber and I've learned that my very favorite foods are hurting me. Of course any thing with a seed in it is not allowed,but it's summer and I love fresh fruit and veggies so I now dissect every tomato slice carefully and about every other seeded plant that we eat from ugh! what a chore!Still trying to recover!
The doctor wasn't sure if I could travel so the day before we left I got the go ahead!yay!

Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom came to visit and we had a great time we got to chat at dinner (no salad for me) and catch up on life,it was very nice to have them here. The weather however didn't agree,Loren wanted to take Uncle Tom to shoot skeet and with the downpours it didn't happen.However Aunt Pat handed down her stamping/card making supplies to me!yay! I win !what a collection I now have,Now practice,practice,practice! what shall I do first????

Jared,s graduation went well we had a great time yelling for him and embarrassing him with our hoots and hollers,but as most of you know when the weather is really bad,such as tornado warnings I usually hit the basement,well of course it just had to be that type of night.Due to the down pours the outside graduation was held in our local Show Me Center and then the sirens went off and I kept thinking where do we go to a safe place in here? under the bleachers?How safe is that?The tornado blew over and all was fine.(whew,I'm supposed to be on a low/no stress no seed diet!)I wondered if Aunt Pat and Uncle Tom would know what to do or if they would even hear the sirens. They did ,and made it through too!

Andy is now at his MOB station prior to him going to Afghanistan ,we are sure proud of him and his selfless act to serve our country.Being his mom I hate to see him go but know that's what he wants so send some prayers our way for him! He will sorely be missed while he is away.But now this technology impaired Mom has got to learn how to skype too!!Love ya Andy!

Well the babies are beautiful and are every thing a grandparent dreams of.Tenley made friends especially with Grandpa,it didn't hurt bringing a stuffed puppy that sings and lights up! She read her books to us and showed us her tumble moves and danced her heart out what a kid she is,

Olivia is such a sweet baby everything about her is perfect too .We can't wait as she grows to learn her personality I'm sure she will be just wonderful too she is now! And oh so cuddly,what a snuggler.

Chelsea is staying with Ryan and family for the next two weeks boy my house has been quiet! But now I have lots to do and some time to do it in,it will be nice to have her back and to have my Mom come back with her for a couple of weeks Thanks Mom!

All in all we had a wonderful but two short of a visit...until next time...

Hi Everyone!